Canta is a software that helps you develop your vocal talents. Whatever your level, whether you are young or less young, Canta is an indispensable tool for the development of your voice.
The principle of Canta is simple and powerful: you choose a song to work and you load the corresponding MIDI file into Canta. Canta plays music and shows the notes of the melody that you must sing. When you sing, in real time, Canta analyses and measures the frequency of your voice, and it shows you the pitch of the note that you sing in the form of a curve on the screen which supperpose to notes of the melody. You then see if you sing in tune or if you are below or above the note you want to reach. You just have to adjust your voice so that it is at the correct height. The repetition of this training will allow your ear to distinguish properly the pitch of what you sing and you will learn to sing in tune.